Private Coaching Sessions

One-on-one in-depth time with a skilled coach is the surest way to make rapid growth and movement because the conversation is tailored specifically to the individual’s needs and unique situation.  I offer multiple formats depending on a person’s specific needs.

People can work with Robert one-on-one either in-person or via phone/Zoom sessions.

(Disclaimer:  Robert is not a therapist and does not offer therapy.)

Single session, up to one and a half hours  $250

Four 1-hour sessions, paid in advance        $800

Three months of Laser Coaching*, paid in advance           $1200

*Laser Coaching is the most economical form for making consistent growth over the course of an entire quarter.  The subject of the calls can shift as a person becomes clearer on exactly what it is that he wants to create or improve.  Laser Coaching is unlimited 15-minute phone calls for an entire quarter.  Each session concludes with an assignment to complete before the next session.  After each session, you will receive a recording of the session for your review and records.  Individuals often subscribe to Laser Coaching following an individual session or series of sessions.